KS, Exaform and X-Fusion Dropper Tech Tip!

Date Posted:14 May 2024 

How to avoid breaking the Actuator Lever (A3196) or Actuator Claw (P5743/P5729) on Internally routed or externally routed dropper posts.

Although this is written specifically for KS, Exaform and X-Fusion dropper posts. It applies to any internally routed post where there is an actuator mechanism at the base of the post. Similarly for some externally routed posts like the KS E20 LEV and Exaform JAG posts.

We see this problem all too often! 

Internal Dropper tips:

  • Be gentle. You should never need to force the cable barrel out.
  • To avoid snapping or damaging the actuator parts on your Dropper during extraction, disconnect the remote from the bars so you can feed in as much remote cable housing you can into the frame.
  • This allows you to lift the post fully of of the frame and rotate the cable barrel (P5713) clamp out of the actuator rings (A3196) without damaging the acuator.
  • Pulling against the cable on an angle can easily break the actuator tip off.


External Dropper Tips:

- Be gentle, You shouldn't need a lot of force to remove the cable. It genereally pops out quite easily if done correctly.

- If using the KS elbow adjuster at the remote or a southpaw unwind (slacken) the cable ... this detensions the spring under the claw.

- Pull finned ferrule down, which compresses the spring and move the cable out of the remote port slot. This allows you to expand the spring

- This turns the claw fingers (P5743/P5729) over so you can slide it from under the barrel P5713

- Remember the orientation of the claw. It goes under the barrel clamp not over ... the barrel sits in the claw fingers.


Things to be aware of:

The remote actuator parts A3196 and P5743/5729 aren't normally covered by warranty as these parts are well protected by the frame\s setube and or remote port. They usually only break when man handled.

These parts and more are for sale in ORBO in our Seat Post Spares section HERE.

If you are unsure of which parts you need you can find the tech docs for all KS dropper posts HERE.

Exaform Dropper post share parts with the equivilant model KS Droppers so you can also use the tech docs above to confirm parts for those also!

If in doubt feel free to send us an email at sales@offroadbikesonline.com.au


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